Author Archives: sonicescape

With 3 cameras on hand, Terry Currie did a beautiful job of capturing our performance of Bach in Ireland. Thanks to a long flight from NYC to San Francisco and the availability of an electrical outlet (go Delta!)…

Maria Editing Small

…Maria had a moment to edit together the shots and produce this video that we’re very excited to share with you:

Front-Page Feature in the Washington Daily News

Today’s Washington Daily News features Sonic Escape’s interview with Vail Stewart Rumley about their upcoming residency in North Carolina.  The 2 mainstage concerts, 11 outreach shows/public workshops and morning news show appearance run from October 3 – 9.  Check it out – SONIC BLAST: Musicians meld cultures in MainStage concert

2014/15 Season Coming Soon

We’re really looking forward to our line up of concerts, workshops and residencies starting in September 2014 – we’ll be touring the South for the first time in addition to returning to the West Coast, Rockies, Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, East Coast and (way) up North!  Keep an eye on our calendar as we’ll be posting dates over the next few weeks…